DLC Woes

Published by Tyro D. Fox in the blog The Leather Bound Book. Views: 295

I'm still figuring out Blog settings for The Leather Bound Book V2.0 but I found this might be handy.


[size=+1]DLC Woes[/size]​

Two DLC's packs have been released for two of the most hotly anticipated games of two-thousand-and-whenever: Skyrim and Mass Effect 3. I was looking around for my girlfriend about this new DLC about both these games and I stumbled upon a little bit of useful information that should be useful for today only.

Those in the UK, listen up.

Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut was released for Xbox 360 and is available for download right now. PC users have to wait until about 11 o'clock MST which is about 6pm for myself who lives in England (GMT) and should get later and later as you go along the map. PS3 users will have to wait until July the 4th because...I dunno, either Sony are lazy to update their servers or EA doesn't like you.

The staggering is pointless and irritating. I don't think I need to express that having these delays between each version is annoying but there we go.

Bias towards Xbox 360 owners continues with Bethesda as Microsoft has exclusivity over the Dawnguard DLC for 30 days. If you have a PS3 or PC version of Skyrim, you'll have to save your money until next month.

  • ThePoeticPony
  • Tyro D. Fox
  • Grey Knightmare
  • Zephyr Wind
  • Tyro D. Fox
  • Rarit E
  • Tyro D. Fox
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