Fun for everyone?

Published by Lioconvoy in the blog Lioconvoy's blog. Views: 676

Maybe it's just me cause I'm old (35), but it kind of gets annoying when game topics become back and fourth. Last to Post I get, it's more a conversation topic than a true game, but "Word Association", "ABC", even "React to the person above your kissing you", games like those it's tiring seeing two people take over the games and in some cases taking the games off track. I was told if it's not broke don't fix it the one time I commented in a game about it, but these games do have rules in the first post in some case they are getting broken.

I myself try to adhere to waiting two or three post from other before posting again. I'm sure anyone can find examples of where I've broken this personal rule. "Type the Username with your eyes closed" being a recent example. In that case I wanted to reply to Irregular Apocalypse and his getting my name right on the first try.

Anyway. I don't know if anyone will read this or even care. But I just wanted to get this out of my system. I've already started the rant once in my Ask Me thread. Just felt I needed to finish it.
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