Leaked deadpool test footage

Published by Crimson Lionheart in the blog CWorld (Over Heaven). Views: 485

So um....this happened. *Some bad language*


Couple things I need to point out. This is obvious test footage (possibly even a fan video), and it looks pretty heavily CGI'd, so this is no confirmation that the movie will be going ahead. However, this confirms that after spending years in development hell, a Deadpool movie is underway. From what I can tell, the voice work is Ryan Reynolds. This means that the movie would be an obvious action comedy (huge emphasis on the comedy).

We have deadpool talking through the forth wall and we have nice touches in some of the scenes, such as the crayons in the opening shot. Of course, this is basically a movie pitch, which means that the real movie would possibly be live-action.

If this is 100% legit, then the merc with a mouth is getting his own movie.

  • Rarit E
  • Saikyo
  • Rarit E
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