Out Walkin'

Published by Curtis Wildcat in the blog Curtis Wildcat's blog. Views: 584

When I was in college 15 or so years ago, I used to walk as far as the nearest movie theater and Toys 'R' Us (which were on the same block). At the time I knew it was a bit of a trek, but I never stopped to consider just how long it was. So out of curiosity recently, I went online to find out how far apart those places were from my old house. The answer I got was around 2.3 miles.

This doesn't seem like anything unusual, but keep in mind: I walked up there. Not biked, not drove, walked. There's also the fact that said facilities were right off of Michigan Avenue, probably the busiest road in the entire state, and I had to safely traverse a nearby street and overpass that received more than its fair share of traffic as a result. In addition, keep in mind that I'd need to walk back, which adds up to 4.6 miles or thereabouts. Considering that I weighed around 270 pounds at the time (prior to a major illness, but that's another topic)... well, it's amazing the sort of lengths a person will go just to get his hands on a video game, right? >^_^<

(And in retrospect, this means that nearly the entire town I live in now is within my walking range. Granted its hillier than Dearborn Heights and Dearborn ever were, but still.)
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