
Published by Curtis Wildcat in the blog Curtis Wildcat's blog. Views: 642

My dad recently got (and accepted) a job offer back in Michigan (not in the same area, mind you, but nearer to Lake Michigan). The intent is for him to make enough money to finish paying off our house and take care of our remaining debts, with me contributing a portion of my own pay towards that end, and it looks like things might work out for the best in that regard. That's not what's bothering me, though.

Previously, the plan was for him to stay up there, book a motel, find a semi-permanent residence, then come back and pick up Mom and the cats if it looks like his job is stable. My Mom decided that she didn't like to be without him for that long, so the both of them will be leaving together by the middle of next week. Leaving me here in Kansas on my own, taking care of the cats until the end of the month. And then after that, even they'll be gone, with no definite word on when everyone will return, if at all.

Those who know my backstory might say "it's about time" at this point. I mean, I'm in my mid-thirties while my parents are both up around or at 70. Young birds have to leave the nest eventually, after all, and off the Internet I've never been what one would call a "social" person. I treasure my solitude greatly.


But it doesn't change the fact that I'm going to miss them when they're gone.



"If you don't say good-bye, you're never really gone. You're just not here right now." --- Agent Carolina, Red Vs. Blue
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