Week 10 V4.0 - Does it come in Black? - 3/24/2014

Published by LyonKS555 in the blog The Primotia Chronicles. Views: 358

Yeah I'll be doing these on Mondays now.

So where have I been? Back in Monterrey and last Friday's exam was...*no words*. Saturday I can't remember. Last week is also blank.
I guess nothing important happened during those days...No wait, now I remember. I went to a party Saturday night and no I didn't drink that day. Had to drive myself back home that night. Sunday I went to a friend's house to play MH and today was just another Monday.

Saturday's episode was pretty neat. Luna teaching Sweetie belle this time around. How many episodes are left? I've lost track on the episode number.

what else...March is almost over. Convention is coming along. AF's day is almost here. TWD is nearing it's season finale.

It's like this semester is so boring. Nothing great is happening as of now. I need motivation. Maybe one day I'll find it again. Time only knows.
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