Week 18 V4.0 - It Ends & Begins - 5/19/2014
Published by LyonKS555 in the blog The Primotia Chronicles. Views: 347
It's late and I still don't feel sleepy. Here is something I found out. Even if I wake up early, I end up sleeping during the afternoon. Past Friday, my cousin from Mexico came home and I got up early that day to go get him at the airport. We were both happy to see each other. As he settled himself back in his old room, I went to mine to snooze. I didn't have school that day and neither today so yeah. Slept like an old mutt.
Tomorrow, however, I'll be turning in a project that I've been doing these past few days. Generally speaking it is done but it could use some work. Hopefully tomorrow the teacher will accpet it as it is. That and Wednesday there's another class and finally lab. I just don't know anymore.
After months, there was finally a brony meetup which took place last Sunday. It was the best one in months. Pokemon, season finale, friends. It was really great. I was invited to go see Godzilla after but I had to overlook that school project mentioned earlier.
I would like to mention that I have been feeling really sick lately. My guts tend to get upset every now and then. This isn't a case of having to go to bathroom. It's different. Just pain and a sickening sensation.
Well I guess I'll get to sleeping now. Wouldn't want to wake up at 1pm. I'll just hum myself to sleep. Mmm mmm mmm mmm.
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