Blog entries by Berry Punch

  1. Another two year absence from me, my apologies. Finally got out of that Drive-through a year ago, didn't go far, just across the street into the shopping center, the Conditioning is amazing and I never want to leave. The workload is much easier here as well, it's just all around better....
  2. I've probably lost my job, you really can't make any mistakes in retail... ... I'll let you know I guess as stuff transpires.
  3. And I've given myself a sad. I should have known this would happen I've missed you guys so much. :cry:
  4. It's sure has been a while since my last entry, 2 years in fact. I got the management position a year ago, took me a few years to get it, and I'm glad to finally have it, even got the store I wanted, probably because nobody else wanted it though, drivethru's are the hardest to get people to...
  5. I kinda forgot, a place to leave my thoughts and not respond to anything. Yeah I like that. So I haven't blogged in a while so I guess an update from my last one I guess. I got demoted from the management position for being too slow on the licensing paperwork, though really I was no further...
  6. Fired from above actually, they haven't told me what for yet, but I'm down another team member regardless, and unless I can find someone else quick I'm probably going to be working a lot more. I won't be getting any overtime though, just time in lieu.
  7. So it turns out the area manager has been on my case a lot more then any other store, I knew this already but it was good to get a confirmation from another manager, this area manager keeps making mistakes that quite frankly are making my life difficult and it's getting on my nerves, I'll play...
  8. I never got into that liquor leadership program, which was no skin off my nose, except they still want me to try get into it the next time it comes around, but here's the catch, you can't be on Salary and do this course, so I'm doing all the management work for a measly $50 extra a week for...
  9. I just rode to the nearest liquor store so I could make this post a little inebriated, they were closed, like the door to my heart. Work is complicated at the moment, I have been shifted into a different store to run it, but I am also in a liquor leadership program which is training to become a...