Blog entries by BronyBoy97

  1. Sorry everyobody for my absence I've been battling depression because I recently lost my best friend but I'm all okay now ^_^
  2. Hello everypony I'm starting a romance roleplay ^.^ so you just post the scenario ^.^
  3. This is just my opinion and I know you all are going to hate me but I think Equestria girls will be good because it has a good plot to it (except the fact that spike is a dog I really hate that) The reason it seems the way it is is because the writers and directors want to keep the same aspect...
  4. I Saw a commercial and a woman used Siri and said, "search one trick pony" :omg:
  5. Does any pony know how to get recorded video from black ops 2 on your youtube channel? It's on xbox
  6. I have officially converted one of my teachers to bronyism ! I'm proud of myself because it wasn't intentional
  7. Is there any mlp fim custom stories for amnesia the dark descent other than the small horse ?
  8. Whether you're religious or not or if you don't celebrate it , i just want to say happy Easter to everypony ! :smile:
  9. Who all is going to the convention in Houston,Tx this June ? dont know what it is ? Here's the link:
  10. Hey guys if you could subscribe to my youtube channel that would be awesome :omg: I try to upload different videos every other week ! Here's the link:
  11. Hey everypony i'm looking for recruits for my unofficial clan. I'ts basically like a clan just for fun , so message me if you want to join or just to play Xbox with me:D. and the first person to message me gets to be the co-leader :D:derpe:
  12. Hey guys just wanted to let you know that I have xbox and was wondering what you all's gamertags were
  14. Ok I think the first 2 episodes came out with a bang i liked the story line but they should of had a better fight scene with the main six and king sombra
  15. Is there some sort of website that you can watch the latest episodes for free ? Please help because I can't watch mlp with school and stuff