Blog entries by Fanwarrioress

  1. There is a ten-year-old girl whom I am acquainted with who loves My Little Pony almost as much as I do. And I realized that I am jealous that MLP was originally directed towards a younger audience because they make awesome clothing that will never fit me for said audience. :/ I was kind of...
  2. If any of you have ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you will understand my following rant/discussion with myself. In MLP FiM every. single. time. some one says "Spike" my mind immediately says "Spikey-Wikey"......but not because Rarity says it. I say it because in Buffy there is a vampire...
  3. It isn't that I don't like school, it just takes out a large chunk of my day that could be used doing fun things. I actually am certain that I will enjoy 3/5 of my classes I currently have. I have wondered this: Since in Equestria Girls Twilight was a teenager, does that mean that she is a...
  4. Apparently my computer thought my blog was boring so it decided to have me have to refresh the page and lose all that I had written. Is there a way to remedy that? I didn't think it was boring. I think the injustice of not being allowed (or rather, able) to watch the new episode is an...
  5. And when I am almost broke I go out and buy My Little Pony Friendship is Magic uuhh....models. So this Christmas I was really lazy and since my parents nearly demand a Christmas List so I just looked up stuff on amazon and found THE CUTEST THINGS IN THE WORLD:...