Blog entries by GalacticToast

  1. Then again, who even can? 'Kay so, I'm turning 18 in July. How the heck did this happen so quickly??? Last time I checked, I was 12... Well, anyway, at least this means I'll gain so much freedom! 1. I can get a tattoo! (and planning on it!) 2. I can vote! 3. I can watch por 3. I don't need...
  2. I'm not dead just an fyi uh cant wait for march 24th!
  3. [IMG] I used to think I wasn't really goth, or even punk, and I never would be so obsessed with those loud bands and whatever "Phantom of the Opera" was like my sister was. I was so wrong, dude. :laugh: I've started having a harder time stuffing my darks into the washing machine than my...
  4. [IMG] Actually, "I'm surrounded by perverted idiots." is what I want my senior quote to be. Yes, I'm back. Yes, I'm not dead. And yes, I'm in high school. Yeah I'm not really likin' it. So much that I found this post as a draft from the day before, and I was blowing off so much steam that it...
  5. I will never, and I mean never, dye my hair any unnatural color ever again until after I graduate high school. Day 1: *sigh*... So I go to the first day back to school on the 13th (I'm now in the 8th grade. One year til high school and one year until I can get my learner's permit so I "can run...
  6. It was when I was in elementary school. Like, 1st or 2nd grade, or something. So in the dream, Charlie Sheen was my older brother (my family casually watched Two and a half Men, so I've watched it with them). And he was a rockstar with the leather jacket and stuff, as I saw what seemed like a...
  7. Though I have already told a few people of this story, I thought, "Eh, what the heck, I'll just make I blog post so I don't have to repeat it over and over." I remember it like a video... It was probably when I was 3 or 4, and the memory began with me waking up in the van with my family as we...