Blog entries by LyonKS555

  1. Now we're talking. So unless you live under a rock, today we had Nintendo's Digital event which had a lot of fun content to watch. If you live underground then let me tell you that E3 so far has been pretty good with Sony, Ubisoft and Nintendo delivering solid game content. Microsoft I didn't...
  2. Where do I even start? Not that I have a lot to say. Out of two subjects, I already passed one and I have until this Thursday to study for the next. Haven't done it and at this rate I don't think I will. I must if I expect to fill two full pages, front and back, in order to pass. Oh boy. My room...
  3. It's late and I still don't feel sleepy. Here is something I found out. Even if I wake up early, I end up sleeping during the afternoon. Past Friday, my cousin from Mexico came home and I got up early that day to go get him at the airport. We were both happy to see each other. As he settled...
  4. Dang. Just look at that hour. 4:12 in the morning. If wasn't daylight savings it would be 3. That season finale was of epic proportion and action. Before anyone gets negative and start saying that they really are going astray with this action oriented finale, it's still acceptable guys. Why...
  5. Just when you thought I was gone for good ::S: Whatever, I just thought of leaving for a small while as I enjoyed spring break back home. I only got like 3 weeks of school left and it feels bad. Really bad. Heck, why care. I have had worst. Season 4 is almost over. Will this season finale be...
  6. Whata weekend. So glad I got my friends to reconsider. Saturday night I went to Video Games Live. A concert showcasing the wonderful music of video games with Tommy Tallarico. One of my favorite VG composers. The list of songs that were played are: Castlevania, Mega Man, Halo, Journey, Shadow...
  7. April starts with broken wishes and false truths so everything I see to be too good to be true isn't going to fool me. Shame seeing how that metroid prime 3D could have been a great deal. So before we start hurting other people's hopes let me lay down recent moments. School: whatever. Now...
  8. Yeah I'll be doing these on Mondays now. So where have I been? Back in Monterrey and last Friday's exam was...*no words*. Saturday I can't remember. Last week is also blank. I guess nothing important happened during those days...No wait, now I remember. I went to a party Saturday night and...
  9. I may end up moving my blogs to Mondays now. Best episode of season 4 so far. Maud's lack of emotion is what I really liked in this last episode. I do say, this episode rocked. ;P MLP isn't the only show I'm watching. The Walking Dead is also on it's 4th season. Today's episode was a real...
  10. Day late and this time I forgot about it. I was busy finishing Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. Great game by the way. Well everypony, Lyon had a fun weekend and a boring week. I might as well throw in today's adventure. First exam and it went bad. Now I must wait until Friday of the next...
  11. 2 months in. That was fast. March is here once again. I remember last year that this was the month that I was hyped for MH3U. Got it for my 3DS and just a few weeks ago I downloaded it on my Wii U. This year? I have no hype except for Smash bros. but it's technical. No release date as of now...
  12. And we are back with more better news to soothe the ruptured soul. My week was that good ^^ First, school which I'm sure non of my readers care about but I'll say that it is in good shape...ish. Did my community service yesterday and that's that. I've really been with Pokemon which I bet...
  13. I hate getting sick. That's what I am here to talk about this time. Last Tuesday, I started to feel a very uneasy stomach and ended up going to bathroom and lose I had previously eaten for dinner. Whatever it was, I could not get a decent night's sleep. I ended up missing school on Wednesday and...
  14. Another spent week. It'll be 2015 before you can realize what happened in 2014. Last week was extremely cold. So cold that I had second thoughts of going out. I did regardless. Nothing fun to say except for yesterday's episode. It was the R & A swap. Hehe. There isn't much I can say for...
  15. A day late but that's ok. I don't have school today so I'll treat it like a Sunday. I was so caught up with other things that I just came home to fall asleep ASAP. School is same old, same old. Saturday, morning like 4 am, I left my Aunt at the airport. She was going to go visit her cousins...