Blog entries by QuirkyUsername

  1. Greetings one and all Quirky has returned, I know I have posted I'm coming back a few times now but this time is legit ^^ I have finally got almost all of my **** in order starting with finally going back to work. After a long spell of nothing I finally have a job at Leading Edge Computers (I...
  2. Hello again my......something weird I normally call you all Tis your beloved QuirkyUsername :) Quirky is still having a nightmare finding work but Buck that I has happy news :D QUIRKY HAS A SPECIAL SOMEPONY :3 so as you can understand valued reader I'm pretty damned happy and excited. We...
  3. *raises flag* Yes my children tis I Quirky I come bearing news of great joy (to me at least) to those of you following my quest for moneys you will know the massive argument I have been fighting with my bosses over a simple letter of recommendation that would help me alot. Well I stand proud in...
  4. Hello my freaky darlings, Tis me again. Now I know I said Id be back this time and I probably won't make that promise again. Job hunting.....about as pleasant as a chainsaw enema (please dont google if you dont know what it is D: think of the children) so looking for a new job on top of that I...
  5. Hiya Everypony Quirky has returned. Some of you may be wondering "where has our beloved Quirky Herald of the forum games been?" others of you might wonder "who the buck is quirky?" well I have sadly been not super active over the past few days due to IRL reasons Im not going to go into aside...
  6. Hello there honoured guest ^_^ for those who Dont know me I am ze great QuirkyUsername. Recently I have realised I do very little on the forums aside from greetings and lurking in my lair of forum games. So I have decided to try some of the more creative aspects of the fandom, I plan on...