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  1. I am here to talk about the human mind and other things.
    I have come to conclusion that no matter what, with people there will always be conflict because of everyone being different. We all think different, act differently, and we like different things. This comes to another idea I have. People should not be judged for what they like. People should like what they want to like, ranging from a show for little girls to spiders. The internet is away for escape for most people. I have also noticed this (Don't any of you take offense from this) that most of the brony fandom including myself are insecure and have depression and maybe anxiety problems. We also might have an lack of friends or just be social awkward, and we use the internet as an escape for our problems. Once again I am not saying this is true for everyone.
    This is all...

    Note: I wrote this while my mind is kind of cloudy and me being tired. I tried to focus on what I was saying, so if anything came out wrong then I am sorry.
    This is pure cold and sounds so beautiful. :omg:
  3. I just recently completed a live stream featuring most of my songs in the 24 minute video. Watch it if you would like.
  4. Here are a few emotes I found.
  5. Well, me and a friend did Pony Hypnosis, I stopped before I could actually be hypnotized. My friend on the other hand didn't and is now acting like he stoned. This is freaking crazy.:pff:
  6. This describes why.
    I have never understanded this song until now. This sums up almost perfectly how I have felt for the past 2 months. :sad:
  8. (Before any of you report this or whatever this is not a depression blog its a panicking blog)
    One of my so called friends now is stalking my girlfriend. Which makes this worse is that he has her personal info and knows her friends. This scares me, I don't want her to be stalked and I'm panicking so bad right now. I need someones help if anyone can give me some advice I would appreciate it greatly.