Blog entries by Tyro D. Fox

  1. I've left this too long. How about a quick blast of stuff I've been playing on Nintendo Switch? Right, 3, 2, 1... Super Mario Oddessy [IMG] This game made me glad I'd brought a Switch. I'd brought a 3DS and a Wii U and appreciated the hardware but the Switch is making me love it. Nintendo...
  2. The very short answer is University. For anyone interested, malicious or otherwise I suppose, I'm studying at De Montfort University in Leicester, a good 3-4 hours away from where I normally live on the South East Coast of England. Y'see, I think I'm very good at coding computers to do things....
  3. [IMG] Pokemon Sun It’s good. You should play it. It’s a Pokemon main series game and they’ve been pretty decent with each new addition since coming to the 3DS. The boost in power and interest makes them pretty accessible, fuller versions of Pokemon Colosseum the series has always wanted to be....
  4. I did a this: Link to a Site Where You Can Hire Tyro to Review Anything You Want I'm clearly a colossal idiot but I'm also kinda curious if anyone will take me up on this. I thought about Patreon and felt horribly silly. But, my situation where I'm getting more worried that my current...
  5. Yes, I've been working and being in some turmoil recently but I have still been trying to write stuff. I've been trying to write reviews. The issue is that I was trying to get them published off this site. I asked if I could write for another site and get stuff up and they'd agree to pay for...
  6. [IMG] I should hate this game, yet I haven’t put it down for a while. As a long standing fan of this series, I should hate it just by the description of it. And I was ready to rip it to shreds when I first started. It happens to borrow two previously used mechanics from the previous games to...
  7. [IMG] Zootopia Right. Rabbit wants to be a cop. Rabbit succeeds by overcoming her limitations. Rabbit still has to prove herself and takes on a huge case that tumbles into a larger mystery. She succeeds, the end. That’s what you get because I don’t want to spoil it. Sure, due to how late I...
  8. It's been ages since I wrote one of these! I've got so much to talk about still! [IMG] Deck Doctor #4 Catch Up Time! So, what did I miss? Well! Everything! Seriously, I don't know what's happened to me. I think it's the inevitable lethargie that happens from looking for work. You jump through...
  9. Welp! There were only two things that I could comfortably talk about that are within recent memory. Well, maybe three but it makes sense to talk about this before diving into Firefly, if only to compare and contrast. They're both things I have a great fondness for and a little nostalgia comes...
  10. [IMG] Deck Doctor #3 Simplicity and Sombra So, something amazing happened at the Pre-Release event in Croydon, UK that I attended: I actually came in the top 3. Seriously, that almost never happens for me! It was a simple, straightforward 'Limited' format where I was able to cobble together a...
  11. [IMG] The Beginner's Guide Well...umm... This game isn't as good as the creator's previous work. That seems like the best place to start. Honestly, nothing could. The Stanley Parable is an unmatched satire of it's own medium that has elements that will continue to be relevant and funny long...
  12. [IMG] Deck Doctor #2 How to Make Your Opponent Miserable in Three Easy Decks So...I haven't done this in a while. So, let's change that shall we? We might be writing a proper summary of the new set - Equestrian Odyssey - at some point as well as High Magic after we've tinkered with it but I...
  13. It's been far, faaaar too long since I did one of these! I need to get back to cranking these things out again! [IMG] Splatoon Splatoon is a huge, huuuge pain in the arse to review. Not because it's deep or requires a lot of thought or even a lot of explaining. It's that it's being constantly...
  14. [IMG] Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse This game...just... This game...I, um... This game is a little weird to talk about from where I'm sitting. You see, I'm old enough to remember the games this thing claims to have taken inspiration from. Disney branded 90's Platformers were a...
  15. So...I figured I'd do a smaller review idea thing for fun and because I thought that the gap between the last review and Kill La Kill was too big. So...How about a smaller thing? On Card Games? Because I've become hard wired that way over the last year. Plus, you guys do know that I will review...