Random thoughts of a very air-headed person.

Hopefully it won't bore you too much. :3
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  1. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Seems like a simple thing to do, but it's VERY appreciated.

    Love you all! ^w^ <3 <3
  2. The sheer vitriol and barbed tongues some members display here is draining at times. Of course, they're free to waggle those tongues and typing fingers the same way I'm free to wish them a needled mouth and acid-bathed digits.

    Positivity is a depleted resource, it seems.

  3. Obviously this was the best:

  4. So I 've been doing my second playthrough of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (greatest series evah!!1!) and seeing if I could do all the things I skipped the first time I played.

    So, eventually I came to the Mirage Arena, where you can fight enemies and bosses that aren't in the main game, gauntlet-style. If you lose one round you have to start ALL over. The prize for beating the highest gauntlet is a very awesome attack command.

    I was playing as Ventus and working my way through the challenges....it took me hours, spread out over days. XD

    Eventually I made it to the final challenge, where I had to fight THIS @#$%#: http://www.khwiki.net/Iron_Imprisoner_IV

    He has four forms, the first two of which I bested already. But NOOOOO, this guy just had to keep getting stronger! His third form drove me to the brink of ragequitting. But finally, I was able to beat him.......then came the 4th form. -_-

    After trying MANY more times, I finally took it down, whilst saying my thread title, and got my awesome ability.

    So the point of this whole ramble is: What bosses have driven you to agonizing frustration and how did you feel when you finally took him/her/it down? :)
  5. Sorry, just had to write this somewhere. I was reading TGS news when I stumbled across this bit of news about my favorite game series ever:


    *clears throat* YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY! In all it's HD GLORY!! WOOOOOO!!!

    What? It's......sorry? Japan-only? Oh, I see....

  6. Hey all! I'm just putting an old pic that the great Virgil did for me. Mostly for two reasons: So I know where to find it and so everyone who hasn't seen the adorability of Fluttershy and Z. Wind can marvel at it!

    I really need to find more people to draw my OC. XD

  7. Hey guys! Chilling at the beach right now. :p

    It's sooooo good to be on a vacation. Don't worry, I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday. I know how much you guys miss me......right?..........right? x3
  8. Just letting you guys know that I'll be away for the weekend. I'm heading to the beach! Summer class is over for me and it's time to relax for once. :p

    I'll let you guys know if I see any sea ponies. :3
  9. Well, the Olympics kick off tonight. I'm no athlete, but I do enjoy watching all the different events and seeing people win and lose shiny medals. I always find myself going for the smaller, more obscure countries to win at the games for some reason.

    I'm most interested in the Fencing and Archery events. I'm ok with a bow whenever I used one in Scouts, but I'd really like to try fencing, it'd make me feel like a Jedi. :p

    Let's see what London has up their sleeves for the opening ceremony. I demand to see Mary Poppins, The Doctor, and Voldemort race to light the torch.
  10. Yay! Review time! I quite like doing these. :)

    Ok, this time my review is on what is perhaps the most anticipated movie of the year.....besides Avengers....and the Hobbit....oh, and Django Unchained!

    *shakes head* Argh, focus! Ok, time to review....


    Ok, to start off, the previous Batman movie, The Dark Knight, unsurprisingly factors very little into this film. The only thing they take from that film was the fate of Harvy Dent and Batman's actions at the end. Rises actually takes a whole lot of material from Batman Begins, to my delight. (Begins was my favorite before Rises came along).

    Synopsis-wise, Rises sees very little Batman at the beginning as Bruce Wayne has secluded himself in his mansion for the past 8 years, as the Gotham City Police Dept. cleans up the streets under the new Dent Act. However, things take a very grim turn as a new threat, the terrorist and revolutionary Bane, arrives at Gotham. Bruce tries to come to grips with his desire to stop Bane and his now nihilistic attitude to his Batman persona.

    I was completely giddy throughout the whole movie. Absolutely everyone in this film brought their A game when it came to their performances. Christian Bale is amazing, even dialing back on that annoying growl when it comes to his Batman voice. Gary Oldman as Commisioner Gordon is perfect as usual and even Ann Hathaway's Catwo...sorry....Selina Kyle is better than I thought she was going to be. Micheal Caine as Alfred pretty much had me in tears near the end of the film, though I won't say in what way to avoid spoilers.

    Let's talk about the new guys joing. Bane, played by Tom Hardy, is a very unique villain. His plans to destroy Gotham might seem like a retread of Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins, but there's a reason for that. He isn't very much like his comic book version, but he still manages to come off as a VERY serious threat....except for one thing. His voice. Throughout the whole movie, he souunded like he was trying to impersonate Sean Connery. I got used to it, but it's funny hearing such a Posh accent coming from such a hulking monster.

    On the light side of the force, we have Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake, a police cop who assists Gordon and Batman. I won't say much about him, becasue I thought he was the breakout star in this movie and I have a giant man-crush on Joseph Gordon- Levitt that anything I say would be pure bias. :p He's extremely good.

    While the film might take a while to hit its stride, it pays off in spades by the final act. The twists in this film, while a bit predictable for anyone with knowledge of the comics, were so cool that I was smiling like an idiot the whole time. While people may be divided on whether it was a satisfying conclusion or not, I thought it was brilliant. Not many comic book movies have a definitive ending, so it's refreshing to see one here....well, maybe it's not so permenant of an end....you'll have to watch it for yourself. It's worth it.
  11. It's tough being an absolute moron when it comes to computers. The most I know is that the little buttons on the keyboard make letters show up on the monitor. :/

    So now I come to you obviously smarter people with a pathetic question.

    Ok, I love all the music our brony musicians create and I'd like to have it on my ipod....the sad thing is is that I have no idea how to get them on there. The musicians mostly put their music on Youtube or Bandcamp, that much I know, it's just the transfer from there to my ipod that has me hopelessly lost.

    I'd appreciate any answers from you guys, I'm sure you know a heck of a lot more about this stuff.

    In the mean time, I'll wonder about the infinite mysteries of the computer world.....no, not Tron.
  12. Before I tell you my thoughts on this movie, how about a little story? Sit down everyone!

    A long long time ago, in the mythical land of Hollywood, there was a director named Sam Raimi. Now, Mr. Raimi was hard at work on his next film, Spider-Man 3. He was doing a wonderful job, he had all the actors from the previous films coming back and he had two villians chosen: Sandman and the New Goblin. However, his producer Avi Arad and the big suits at Sony Pictures wanted a more famous villian than dumb ol' Sandman and a rehashed Goblin, so they pressured Raimi into including Venom. Raimi didn't really like Venom as a character, but he did cast his alter-ego, Eddie Brock, in the film so he relented.

    That's how we got the travesty of Spider-man 3. Venom couldn't get enough character development because there were too may villains and we got stuck with "emo" Peter Parker. However, the tale doesn't end there. The film did well enough for Raimi to work on a sequel. this time, he wanted to include the Lizard as the villian, using his alter-ego Curt Conners, who was already established in the two previous movies. As a supporting villian, the Vulture was to be included. However, more meddling from the big wigs at Sony caused more troubles. they wanted to include a completely made up character known as the "Vulturess" to be in the film. Finally, Raimi had enough and stepped away from his Spider-man universe.

    And that's how we ended up with this:


    A complete reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man does the same old origin story over again, but this time with more Twilightesque romantic scenes! How fun....or not.

    Now, the individual parts of the film aren't bad by themselves, but together as a whole they really give off a "bare-bones" kind of vibe to the whole movie. We have to go through the spider bite AGAIN, see Uncle Ben murdered AGAIN, and go through Peter's journey as he finds who he really is meant to be AGAIN. It got really tiresome and predictable.

    Andrew Garfield, who plays Peter, obviously enjoyed doing it and the rest of the cast played their roles very well. It's just that the whole tone of this movie seems to be reaching out for a different audience. Peter seems overly gloomy and rebellious, nothing like the adorkable high-schooler in the comics. The romance between Peter and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) plays hugely in this whole film, which seems to me like an attempt to grab at the "Twilight" audience, and it's probably going to work. The film basically slaps you over the head with the teenage romantic angst. It also seems very dark and moody, not something that fits Spider-man at all. It's as if a working title for the movie was "Spider-man Begins"

    The villain, the Lizard (which probably has Raimi riled up a bit), is given nothing to do. They completely dropped the misunderstood monster angle they were going for half-way into the movie, just so they could turn him into a lizard Nazi. However, I'm interested to see if this rebooted franchise will take a go at the villains Raimi used in his movies. The Green Goblin is basically a given.

    All in all, the movie was....eh. The acting was ok (even if Spidey's jokes were a bit mean-spirited), the musical score was nice, and the visuals superb....but the whole story rehashed again when it was done only 10 years ago makes this film drag.... it's disappointing really....oh well, I'll be watching to see how they do a sequel, because this WILL get a sequel. Whether that is a good thing or not remains a mystery.

    J. Jonah Jameson isn't even in this...*grumbles*
  13. Hey guys, I'll be posting my next movie review as soon as I come back from seeing it and when I get some time to myself. It probably won't be hard to guess which movie I'm doing. :p
  14. It's good to see EP reach this milestone. In fact, my one year anniversary of being here is coming up. It's funny looking back at my introduction thread and seeing the members who greeted me and who are still here.

    It's unfortunate that many members join up for one or two posts then disappear forever, but at least that means the site is getting noticed! I can't wait to see what comes next for EP!
  15. Welcome welcome welcome to a little experiment that I shall be doing. I love movies. I adore them. The pure imagination and stories that movies can provide is nothing short of amazing. Sooooo, why not review them? I may not be the most technical critic, but I know what I like and don't like and I thought I'd let you guys know. Who knows? Maybe I'll save you from spending a few bucks on some atrocity they've released.

    So, my first review will be to a movie created by none other than the great Pixar Studios:


    Pixar's first attempt at a fairy-tale story and its first film with a female protaganist, Brave is the story of Merida (Kelly Macdonald), daughter of King Fergus (Billy freakin' Connolly) who rules Clan DunBroch, the head clan in the Scottish highlands. Her mother, Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson), basically controls every aspect of her life....which Merida obviously hates. The day comes when tradition dictates that the princess must be wed to a suitor from three neighboring clans. Of course, Merida resents that and desires to make her own fate, but tradition plays a very important part for everyone, as evidenced by a tale the Queen tells her daughter.

    So, the clans arrive, and the rest of the film shows Merida's attempt to change her fate by changing her mom. I won't spoil it, because the advertising for this film has done a spectacular job to also keep you in the dark as to what exactly happens. I will say, that it isn't the expected "girl-power" film. It's much more of a "family importance" kind of thing....if that makes sense.

    As a Pixar film, it's a bit sad to see that this isn't the best one of them all. It's about the same quality as "Monsters, Inc." or "Cars". Still, it's way better then most other animated films. The art design and scenery is shockingly good, the music is phenomenal, and it's a bit darker in tone than what the humor-laden ads tell you. the characters are boistrous and hilarious with the three clan leaders, their sons, and King Fergus being my favorites. The only thing Brave seems to slip up in is the story. By the time all the clans and characters were introduced, I did feel that the movie was a bit sluggish. The "villian" of the movie also seems to be under-developed as a character, with untapped potential.

    Anyway, all-in-all Brave is a good, if not great, film that made me want a Scottish accent. Go for the characters (particularly the clan leaders), music, and gorgeous scenery but don't expect the usual Pixar touch in the storytelling department.


    There, my first attempt at a review, hopefully it was able to be readable. Feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated. :)