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Jun 3, 2018 at 1:55 AM
Mar 12, 2016
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An Island on the Pacific, Beaverland
Being me is tough work.

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The Sparkle Princess Pants of the Glitter Kingdom, Female, from An Island on the Pacific, Beaverland


Guess who's back! Nov 14, 2017

Lyipheoryia was last seen:
Jun 3, 2018
    1. Lyipheoryia
      I was reading staff applications from another forum; so sad...majority of the applicants left the site after they gained the title.
    2. Lyipheoryia
      Lyi's Idoit Advice #3: Actually DO your homework.
      1. Lord Architect
        Lord Architect
        Yeah... I got lab reports due two weeks ago. That I haven't even started
        Mar 16, 2016
    3. Lyipheoryia
      Happy Pi Day!
      1. Queen Cerali and Blackened Blue bro hoofs this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Blackened Blue
        Blackened Blue
        Happy 3.142 day. =)
        Mar 14, 2016
      4. Berry Punch
        Berry Punch
        I do love me some pie!
        Mar 14, 2016
      5. Queen Cerali
        Queen Cerali
        *bakes a pie-flavored pie with a circumference of Pi*
        Mar 15, 2016
    4. Lyipheoryia
      I know they're a farewell/long absence thread; but is there any short absence thread? (I'll start one if there isn't)...
      1. Metro
        No there isn't. Even if it is short, you still post it into the normal farewell thread. That's how it's always been. -Shrug- Also, welcome to EP!
        Mar 14, 2016
        Lyipheoryia bro hoofs this.
      2. Lyipheoryia
        Thanks for the welcome!
        Mar 14, 2016
    5. Lyipheoryia
      Lyi's Idiot Advice #2: Just because the movie you intended to watch sold out, doesn't mean the movie you ended up watching is less awesome.
      1. Proxy
        That's actually pretty good. What movie did you see?
        Mar 14, 2016
      2. Lyipheoryia
        The Little Prince.

        I was going to watch Zootopia, but I ended up watching that-and DO NOT regret it at all!
        Mar 14, 2016
    6. Lyipheoryia
      Lyi's idiot advice of the day: Don't sign up to do things that you thought sounded easy. Things that sound easy USUALLY AREN'T.
    7. Lyipheoryia
      Are we allowed to discuss politics here? I know it's not really shined upon in some forums...~
      1. View previous comments...
      2. M14Brony
        As far as I know, political discussions are not prohibited. Just look at the Serious Discussion forum, where there are subjects of a political nature.
        Mar 12, 2016
        Lunar_Skies bro hoofs this.
      3. Lyipheoryia
        Mar 12, 2016
      4. Berry Punch
        Berry Punch
        yup, what M14Brony said, just keep it in the appropriate section.
        Mar 12, 2016
    8. Blackened Blue
      Blackened Blue
      Hey there. Thanks for the follow! =)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyipheoryia
        PonyTheaters. I recognize people from Canterlot and Ponytheaters (which is a whole lot of people) :D.
        Mar 12, 2016
      3. Blackened Blue
        Blackened Blue
        Ah, cool. I don't visit PonyTheaters as often as I should. I mostly hang out here.
        Mar 12, 2016
      4. Lyipheoryia
        I haven't gone on in forever~ My PC lags very badly whenever I go on site, which makes it exceedingly hard to participate.
        Mar 12, 2016
    9. Lyipheoryia
      Hello peeple! Tis me!!! Lyi!!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Blackened Blue
        Blackened Blue
        Hello. =)
        Mar 12, 2016
      3. Queen Cerali
        Queen Cerali
        yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! *dances happily*
        Mar 12, 2016
      4. Queen Cerali
        Queen Cerali
        somehow I am still not done expressing my joy at your arrival. that's how happy I am! x3
        Mar 12, 2016
        Lyipheoryia bro hoofs this.
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  • About

    An Island on the Pacific, Beaverland
    Being me is tough work.
    Brony (f)
    Half of you know me from Another bunch from Now, I'm here. Because-why not?
    (I am highly active on, and I recently managed to *finally* log onto PT without lagging. The brilliance of wired connections compared to a wireless one.)

    The name's Lyi: Lyipheoryia Stertlings. I am a human being between the ages >13 and <18. I first fell in love with My Little Pony as a child, then re-discovered it a few years back. In my spare time, I enjoy: reading, playing games, re-watching episodes of MLP, and more! I love reading old legends and folklore, and spent a year scaring myself to sleep reading ghost stories. (I will never, ever force myself to read horror stories again!).

    I am a writer, a poet, an occasional artist, a roleplayer, a friend, a talkative chit-chater, a wonderful person (personal opinion), the smartest mare alive (also personal opinion), and the most awesomesause-of-awesomesauses (personal opinion as well). You can feel free to ignore everything of personal opinion-because I don't really believe my personal opinions myself!

    My Skype is Eccentric Maverick Lyi, and my Discord is Lyipheoryia Stertlings (though I never, ever log onto Discord-so there really isn't a purpose for my account. It doesn't have a server in my region). I love Skype rp's and discussing MLP-so feel free to add me on Skype (just make sure to tell me what your username is and that you're from Everypony :D).

    I love to chat and can come off as annoying, but if you can hang around me long enough-you'll find that about 5% of the things I say actually make sense and is good advice to hold onto. You just have to get through the other 95% of random jabber :p.




    Cheer up! Cheerio! Cheerilee!
    Sparkle Princess pants of the Glitter Kingdom, over the Crystal Glades


    welcomer, friend, roleplayer, chit-chater, artist


    "Welcome to my side of the world,"
    Ask me things. Interrogate me.
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