
Discussion in 'Shorts' started by Rashall, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Rashall

    Rashall Master of the Veil Fire

    Sep 21, 2011
    Bro hoofs Received:
    Associate at Harborfreight Tools
    The Veiled City
    The cavern was huge, easily one-hundred feet in height the question on every ponies mind was what was kept in a place so large? Corvus found a light switch and with a nod from Rashall he flipped it to the "on" position, lights hidden away to either side of the cavern came on what they revealed was something out of legends. A titan, a war machine that's mere presence on the battlefield could subdue entire nations. Both arms ended in devastating weaponry, one was known as a volcano cannon and the other was known as a gatling blaster, either one could level ponyville with one well placed shot.

    "A titan here in Equestria?" asked Wolf-n-Mane in bewilderment, Twilight and her friends just stood in awe, Rashall would go as far as to say fear even. Rashall walked to the console and then started walking towards a door that lead into another room. Entering the room the group noticed that there was another titan here, but of a different model and make. Before he could even recognize it Rashall ran through another pair of doors on the other side of what he believed to be a hanger and just as he thought another titan was housed here of the same make and model as the first one they had seen. Rashall returned to the second titan. This one was easily two-hundred feet tall, it was then that Rashall noticed the titans name engraved on the console in front of him Vengeance of the Dead . Rashall knew that name from somewhere.

    "A titan battle group, two imperial Warhounds and a Eldar Reavent pattern titan. Why would these be secreted here in Equestria?" asked Rashall.

    "Because what better place is there to hide such war constructs, but in a land of peace?" said a new voice, they all turned in time to see eleven new arrivals.

    "You all must be the titan crews then, or at least the decedents of them." said Rashall.

    "Aye that we are, we have lived here for a few years now, being pushed out of our homes. Unfortunately for any wishing to use the titans their spirits are locked down, and we cannot reactivate them." said the wolf again.

    "Who are you any ways?" asked Rashall.

    "The names Veris pilot of the Vengeance of the Dead and who might you be?" asked Veris.

    "Possibly the answer to your problems, come take me to the Vengeance of the Dead I wish to see something." said Rashall in response.

    After a few minutes they where on a catwalk in front of the titan, there were cables leading off to what looked like the other titans. Rashall nodded his head and then turned to Veris and the other titan crews.

    "Get to your titans and just wait." said Rashall with a smile, the crews simply obeyed his order.

    "Khaine is the way of war as all his followers know, it is time to awaken mighty spirits for a true son of the eldar is before you." said Rashall as he summoned his flaming mane and tail, in response the spirits woke.

    "This is Veris, you did it praise to Khanie! The constructs spirit is awoken, who are you sir?" asked Veris over the com feed.

    "Rashall Firemane of the Sar-Neith eldar." responded Rashall.

    "Then titan battle group Vengeance is at your command, should you ever need the titans." said Veris.

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