Had an aged uncle out in Indiana who passed away within the past week or so. I hadn't seen him since before we moved cross-country in 2007. From what I understand he owned his own upholstery shop in Michigan for decades (and he was good at it, too), and he had this edge about him that was borderline ostentatious; whenever he saw my dad and I, he'd greet us by referring to himself as a duke. Never failed to get a chuckle out of us. Before moving to Indiana he'd lived with my grandma for a number of years, until finally she got fed up with him and kicked him out of her house, which was funny. Both my dad and I kind of expected him to live longer than he did, considering that good health runs on his side of the family, but personally I'd say 90 years is a good long while. Whatever it was that caused him to pass away sooner than expected, I can take comfort in knowing that he's sleeping easy now.
Been having Twitter problems again. I tried to sign in a couple days ago. Name, password, non-robot confirmation, the usual. But then it asked me for my mobile phone number so they could send me a text with a code that I could use to prove that I was me. Eeee-yeah, slight problem with that: I don't have a mobile phone, I've never had a mobile phone, and I've never used one to sign into Twitter. And since it wouldn't let me pass without entering one in, and I sure as Michigan wasn't going to use my parents' phones for that purpose... For bonus points: I went into the site's help menu, filled out a form, explained what the deal was, hit Submit... and the Submit button does absolutely NOTHING. The site just sits there. Nothing changes, nothing loads, and I never got any sort of confirmation. So I'm locked outside my account, and I have no means of getting into contact with Twitter's staff to get it fixed. To quote Dan: "TECHNOLOGYYY!"
Dude, twitter is bad for your health. Stay away from that dumpster I myself evade it as the plague. Neway, ex's grandma died yesterday. I have almost a year of not talking to ex. I was worried about her overall wellness. Asked a common friend what would be best to do. She offers herself to let ex know I'm sorry about her loss. Ex sends back a message. "Tell that wretch if he's sorry about it he should tell me to my face" I just didn't know what to do afterwards. Didn't attempt to call her because I don't feel compelled to after being insulted for a small show of caring.
That and Twitter doesn't really care too much about it's users, especially if you don't contribute to their political echochamber. So yeah.
Staying away from it isn't an option for me. There's several people that I keep track of there. One's a Let's Player I've been watching on YouTube since 2013-14 or so, and I check his posts for updates when he goes a while without uploading anything. The other's someone I'm directly acquainted with from my days at Fukufics (Lio knows who he is), and under normal circumstances Twitter's my only means of keeping in contact with him. Also, saying that Twitter doesn't really care too much about its users isn't strictly true. When my account was locked a few years back and I actually got around to contacting them a while later, they did straighten that mess out. Granted it took them months to get back to me, but hey---solutions are solutions.
At one point, Twitter may have done that. But looking at the state of affairs of social media. Yeah. I don't think the argument that they care, even mildly, can be made now. It's all about using people's data and slandering the political right atm. Sooooooo, I'll leave you with that~
I haven't used twitter in years... A long time ago I got hacked through their own phone app and someone put out malware links on my account and dm's to everyone I followed. Yeah. Stopped as soon as I deleted the official phone app. Changed my pwd in case and never used twitter again, don't trust their security at all. Worst I've ever seen.
In truth, it's been going on for a while now. But the effects from it are only now being felt on a larger scale. In fact, I made a topic on it in this sub-forum already. There is a word for the way Big Tech giants have been running things lately, especially. It's called a Technocracy. A monopoly on social sites and general public platforms. And it's gone too far.
My parents were on a bit of a nostalgia trip earlier. They'd gone online to find school yearbooks from the 1960s, showing me photographs from when my Dad was in high school, when my Mom's childhood friend and my aunt were in school... It's a little sad to consider, but all these people are in their late 70s now. Time goes by, dragging us along for the ride...
I've been dwelling on this a lot recently, so I might as well do what the thread title tells me and speak my mind. Back when I was a kid in Michigan, just into adolescence, we got paid a visit by a family friend. He wasn't too much older than I was, just a couple years at most. While he was there, he and I got to talking, and he brought up the possibility of the two of us just hanging out sometime. It seemed like a good idea at the time, so I said sure. A little over half a year later, he was dead from brain cancer. People from all over keep saying that you have to live life without regrets. For me, that is impossible: not being able to spend time with him while he was still alive and in decent enough health has always been my biggest regret.
I get you. I regret almost everything everyday xD The most recent thing was not talking more with one of my friends. He commited suicide a month ago. I was totally shocked and I couldn't believe it. He was super happy cuz he was getting married sometime next year. Maybe if I had spent more time talking to him during his last year he wouldn't have done it, y'know? And is not just some wild guilt thought. Spoiler: You should probably skip this We had some arguments over dumb things. He sort of got brainwashed with lgbt and feminist stuff by his fiancé and me and my loudmouth kept dizzing the logic flaws he stood for instead of just ignore them totally. He even joined the furry fandom because his fiancé was in it. Little did I know his girlfriend/fiancé was being overly abussive to him. It was only after his family held weekly messes to honor his memory that I had a chance to talk with his sister and I learned what had been going on. If I hadn't been the cynical *squee!*head I am and instead I had been more empathetic and kept my urges to debunk the bull*squee!* he felt he had to stand for to be supportive to that damned whale of a woman... he would probably had opened up like he used to. And he knew I had been through a super abussive relationship myself. I could have really gave him some support. But I didn't help him. And that's what keeps me awake at night and wanting to stay in bed during daytime. Maybe I could have helped him out of that toxic *squee!*hole. And he'd be alive, getting detoxed from that "tolerance" dogma that justified physical violence against him. He'd be working on his comic and we'd be having a beer and some wings with the rest of the dev team like back in 2019. Maybe we would have organized a meet up to watch the g5 movie even though my friends aren't bronies. He was always in for my dumb hypes. But I wasn't there thinking he was better off without me clashing and mocking the things he suddenly became passionate to defend. So yeah. I live in regret 24/7. But there's some words my friend's mom told me that day after the mess. It wasn't my fault nor my responsibility. We never know what's gonna happen in a split second. We neither know for sure what's on people's mind. And sometimes people won't share their problems to not worry. We can't solve all the problems in the world. Is the good times we give what count, and not the things we couldn't do.
I've recently come into some challenges involving my own psychological well being. And how it has essentially tied into my condition. I briefly mentioned in my most recent blog post. But I want clarify. My condition, Landau Kleffner, is something that I've had since was rather young. The worst of it, seizures during sleep, has stopped. That part tends to go away going into adulthood, when the brain fully develops. But the side effect is impaired processing and speech. Granted, it's not as bad as it could be. But another aspect is the emotional and mental torment I both did to myself, and from my step-mother's verbal abuse. Putting me in a cycle of torment I've recently been trying hard to dig myself out of. Though I've discovered some ways to help when I do get overwhelmed. One is being used while I type this. Playing music. I tend to have the clearest thoughts and creativity when I do this. It also depends on my mood and emotions, though I have taken to bands like Wardruna to clear my mind when in doubt or just emotionally distraught. The spiritual aspect helps me gather myself internally, so I can address what's going on psychologically. But yeah. I have been doing well despite what's before me.
And I thought being a high-functioning autistic (purely speculated) was bad. Sounds like you've been worse off, though it's good to see that you're doing much better.
Yeah. I've been through hell, in my own way. But everyone will have thier own experiences, when it comes to conditions and disabilities. Hell, some people have totally crappy lives and are not mentally or physically impaired in some way.
Found out earlier today that an uncle of mine back in Michigan (but was in Florida when it happened) passed away from COVID-19. If I understood my Dad right, he was one of those who was strongly against getting vaccinated. He was on a ventilator for a while, and within the past day or two he was taken off of life support. Never really knew him, but it still stings a little each time someone in my family passes.
The pixel war is over and I am certain I did the right thing despite the popular concensus. Also, been away from here for a while. It seems slower than anytime before. Kinda sad to see this place so lonely. I wonder if the g5 show will actually help the site to recover some activity.