Netflix Masters of the Universe [SPOILERS Inside]

Discussion in 'Movies/TV shows' started by Lioconvoy, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    I don't want to clog up last to post with talk of the new Masters of the Universe topic. However I do want to talk about it since apparently I'm not the only one who watched it. Well I've watched the first ep, haven't had time to go past it yet, but I wasn't a fan of the first Ep. Not saying the story can't get better but it started on the wrong foot.

    We were told this was supposed to be a continuation of filmation. Since when have prisoners been brought to castle Greyskull? The Sorceress has a link with He-man how was she fooled by faker? Heck they remembered the link and used it later. I think they got Orko and Cringer spot on. Adam we don't really see enough of him to get the feel of him. The whole Castle was a completely different castle didn't make sense, where was anything like that hint in the og series?

    I feel Teela reaction really weird. I know in Filmation if was never clearly stated, but it was always hinted she loved Adam. Why is her reaction just about the lie? Why isn't she hurt he's dead?
    Dragonbait and Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
  2. Dragonbait

    Dragonbait Do you like bananas?
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    Cutie Mark:
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    So much this! She just seems selfish and shallow. Her motivations make no sense.
  3. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Yeah. The next episode shows more of a selfish side. It also makes no sense she couldn't figure out what Cringer told her on her own. She was smart.

    Episode three is nice, not prefect, but so far it's the only one I think is a good episode. Episode 3 also make one thing clear that the advertising didn't. This is not a continuation of Filmation He-Man. It's a very poor hodge podge of everything and some stuff does work, but more doesn't than does so far IMO.

    Two more episodes left.
  4. Fenris Rose

    Fenris Rose Going Through Changes
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    Cutie Mark:
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    She was hurt because she believed that He-Man/Adam trusted her, only to find out that (from her perspective) he trusted basically everyone else in their circle *except* her.
    It felt like a betrayal, and being betrayed by someone that close f**king hurts.

    Also, I absolutely loved how Duncan was portrayed in this.
  5. Dragonbait

    Dragonbait Do you like bananas?
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    Cutie Mark:
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    This reminded me of the arguments about The Last of Us 2. I didn't like that either and one thing will show my point.
    They want us to sympathize with Abby, right?
    Ellie kills a girl in self defense and finds out afterwards the girl was pregnant. She vomits and feels horrible about it. But she's the antagonist right? Revenge bad girl, right?
    Abby is holding a knife to Ellie's GF's throat, threatening to kill her. Ellie tells Abby the GF is pregnant (and she is pregnant). Abby says, "Good." as she is about to slit her throat. She. says. GOOD about killing a pregnant girl. WTF?!? THIS is the one I'm supposed to sympathize with? She's a horrible, selfish, worthless POS human.
    I consider the true ending the theater fight when I let Ellie kill Abby. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.
    Ugh and the spoon-feeding of Abby loves all the animals! D'awww! And they force you to kill dogs as Ellie or you know, not progress in the game and die. Ham-fisted garbage.

    If we want to go off on a tangent on this, we should make a new thread. Just wanted to compare the similar outcries from a disappointed audience.
  6. Rockout E. Stringer

    Rockout E. Stringer Feelin' guitty!!
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    Cutie Mark:
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    I don't claim to be much of a writer but I just feel like if I were writing a continuation of a kids show from the 80s, especially if I was a superfan like the paid reviewers say Smith is, I'm pretty sure I would know that fellow superfans wouldn't appreciate the kick in the teeth that the first 5 episodes felt like. I mean, beloved characters dying in the first 5 episodes, immediately showing a key villains' vulnerable side, and a few questionable choices in voice acting will understandably rub fans the wrong way. It's hard not to feel a little betrayed when that happens. And yeah, if Smith had just said up front that Teela was the central focus of the show, at least the fans (myself included) wouldn't have to call him out for essentially lying to our faces.

    On that note, I'd rather end on the positives than the negatives. The animation is very well done and for the most part, the voice acting is well done. Especially having Mark Hamill as Skeletor.

    Overall, I think I'm just gonna stick to the original. Not the worst attempt at a continuation that I've ever seen but still didn't make a very good first impression for me. Who knows, maybe I'll come back and give it another chance someday.
  7. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Meh, I don't like Joketor. It doesn't have the right pitch for me. BatMerman is worse...
  8. Dragonbait

    Dragonbait Do you like bananas?
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    Cutie Mark:
    Jun 10, 2011
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    One of the review videos found an old deleted tweet from Kevin Smith where he was helping a con that was doing a lot of He-Man stuff there. In the tweet he of course promoted it, but also said something to the effect of 'even though I've never been a fan of He-Man...'
    So yeah, there's that too... He did a 180 turn of never being a fan to being a superfan once he got the showrunner job... what a coincidence!
    Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
  9. Rockout E. Stringer

    Rockout E. Stringer Feelin' guitty!!
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    Cutie Mark:
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    I mean I never actually watched the original until a few years ago but, as I am with most of the stuff I get into, it became all I could think about for quite a while. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a superfan but if a reboot or sequel throws out part of what made me fall in love with the original, that still stings pretty bad.
  10. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    I've been a fan since the original I've paid attention to all it's reboots and continuations. I haven't read everything, I don't remember every thing I have read or saw, but this show... it doesn't seem at all like it's for the fans. If it was why would it ignore so much of what made the show great. Why is Cringer telling Teela things she should already know. Why does Evil Lyn know Orko's true name, why is she able look past sides and give Orko a pep talk, but Teela was ready to turn on Evillyn despite Evillyn doing her best to save Orko. Maybe that best didn't amount to anything, but she tried and Teela doesn't even recognize that effort? This show feels like a betrayal. I looks nice and there are good things in it, but when you take in the show as a whole....

    I don't know if I'm a superfan, but yes I'm a big fan and this show was in no way made for me. I don't see how it was made for any fan of He-man. Now I get it my feelings are my own. People are allowed to like it. Maybe I'm over reacting, but it just feel like such a let down.
    Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
  11. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    I also think they made certain decisions so they could weaponize the backlash against itself. King Greyskull Adam's ancestor and at least in the Classic media a wise king, was a dumb ass in this show. I have wonder did they make him black so they could delegitimize any claims of him being a dumb ass as racism? Seriously he say Adam who chose to be himself in the afterlife as deciding to be his lesser self? How is his Adam form his lesser form? It's Adam that's the hero, He-man is just a mask he wears. Adam chose to be himself than cling to the illusion of power for the rest of his afterlife. Then when asked if he know away out of Preternia and asked why he doesn't use it himself he says "why leave paradise" what the bloody hell there are plenty of better reasons why he chose not to leave, but rather than show him to be wise and having thought about it he says "why leave paradise?" If they didn't have the time to give the whole answer maybe just say "I have lived my life, it is not my place to return." Maybe it's just me but that sounds a lot wiser than "why leave paradise."
    Rockout E. Stringer bro hoofs this.
  12. Dragonbait

    Dragonbait Do you like bananas?
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    Cutie Mark:
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    Why is it so hard to just give people what they want? You don't have to make every show some big statement.
    I want to see how the toy sales do, that is going to be what makes or breaks it. If they don't sell toys, Mattel is going to be angry.
  13. Curtis Wildcat

    Curtis Wildcat Raging Shopaholic

    Cutie Mark:
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    Not knowing much about the whole thing I can only guess, but I'm thinking it's because the higher-ups are more concerned with what they want.

    Meddling is alright, within reason. Otherwise it ticks off a lot of people.
  14. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Well origins seems to be doing well at least. I never seen anything but Skeletor and He-man on the shelves. Saw plenty of Revelations toys wasn't interested in any of them. One of the Neat things about Origins is customization. I want to get Orko so I can put his head on He-Man, sadly I never saw him in stores and online he's twice the price.
  15. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    I normally like Mad Munchkin's takes but this...

    It hasn't been forty years. I know she knows about 200x because she does included a picture of 200x Teela. The one Rock is probably Gaga over. Revalations is nota continuation of Filmation despite being billed as such. The flashbacks are re-animated Filmation scenes they're new stories. Ones that don't quite fit with what I remember of Filmation at least. Then there's the whole taking prisoners to Greyskull. When was that done once in Filmation?

    She praises the show for character development. But we don't get a lot of it. Evil Lyn got the most development and they throw it away in the last episode. Many characters they skipped over the development and just showed us them being different.

    I have yet to see anyone mad the show doesn't match their fanfic. Most people are made because the show had such promise but didn't live up to it. Teela sure as hell can be the main character, but you have to tell a Masters of the Universe story. They didn't do that. They threw in a bunch of random things in to a pot and figured fans like all this stuff, so long as we animate it good they don't have to worry about the story.

    She say anyone can have the power....maybe outside of the story sure, but that's one of my biggest gripes about the last episode that Skeletor was able to use the sword to power up. Since when can anyone use the sword?
  16. 4SNK

    4SNK Drifter between realms
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    Feb 8, 2021
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    Mexicolt, ¡correcto!
    The he-man reboot was a trainwreck from the get go.
    He-man is barely seen. Wtf?
    And whats up with the colored lady? Can't remember her from the original show. Why is she capable of everything? Is it me or she seems like a token character who also doubles as a Mary Sue?
    Duncan looks super weird.
    I guess we should rebrand this to He-Man INO. Better than type down Revelation. I still see no revelation xD
    The subtitle implies a discovery of something foreshadowed or that means a lot to the plot. This is more of an a$$pull if you ask me.
  17. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Thing to remember is it's not "He-Man" it's not "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe", it's just Masters of the Universe. So not focusing on He-man is fine, I really don't take issue with that.

    .... she's a bit character from a mini-comic they recolored for more diversity. I don't get why they didn't one use Clampchamp more or two created new characters. At least in her case it wasn't done offensively. I still take issue with Greyskull.
  18. 4SNK

    4SNK Drifter between realms
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    Feb 8, 2021
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    Mexicolt, ¡correcto!
    They still sold it as He-Man's big return to media. They bait and switched their way until it premiered.
    As for the use of the castle for that, it actually makes a lot of sense to me. Several castles had dungeons. These guys taking prisoners into Grayskull doesn't seem far fetched after the castle has a huge badass skull on the front gate.
    What bothers me is the bait and switch. If the whole campaign (at least in latin america) hadn't been that He-Man was returning with a show on netflix I wouldn't be bothered. They could have told us we were getting a show focused on other characters and that was it. Either give it a shot or not even mind its existence. Instead they shoved is as He-Man's big return.
    Look at She-Ra. She indeed returned. Not just an empty promise. And while many might argue regarding the quality and plot, the fact is it is She-Ra you like it or not. Not a show about Bow and his friends and suddenly you add some obscure character for a major role out of the blue. A show about She-Ra which also gives more depth to the rest of the cast.

    So tl;dr:
    The bait and switch for the marketing campaign (at least at latin america) is what pissed me off the most.
  19. Lioconvoy

    Lioconvoy Creeping out Toaster Repair Pony since 8/31/2015

    Feb 9, 2015
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    The problem with them taking prisoners to Greyskull is pretty apparent. It's where something very powerful is kept. What kind of idiot has a big strong fortress and keeps prisoners next to the items they'd want to steal? There was a reason they didn't keep prisoners their before which is why it made absolutely no sense for them to start taking prisoners there now.
    #19 Lioconvoy, Aug 11, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
  20. Dragonbait

    Dragonbait Do you like bananas?
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    Cutie Mark:
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    We call that lazy writing.

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