1. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Oct 13, 2015
    Community Post #146

    So, if you've been reading my articles for a while, you'd have seen the growing interest I've had for tabletop gaming. I have no idea why it's a thing, only that it's a thing. I guess I'd found that, while I still adore computer games, there's something to be said for going out and playing a game with other people around a table. Both have their advantages. Heck! I feel social going to meets, just to play games together.

    Though, can you blame me? What with shows like The Black Hole of Board Games, Tabletop and (in my opinion, because the players are at least well versed in on-the-fly banter and commentary) superior Tableflip coming into...
  2. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Sep 28, 2015
    Community Post #145

    In the momentary lapse of activity that indicates thought, a conversation took place. If the time it took was a timeline, it would be the thickness of a hair. If it was recorded, it alone would have only be a infinitesimal blip of activity. This sort of thing is going on constantly inside your very head, as your own personal Greek Chorus evaluates every sensation and helps you interpret it.
    This is one of those blips, found in Foxytail's head, found at precisely now. Stretched and slowed so you and I can hear it properly.

    A more warrior esque type that appeared rather stocky as she walks to the console and sits down in the chair before it....
  3. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Sep 16, 2015
    I'm gonna do you a deal. What I'm going to try and write about is not the most fun thing in the world. In fact, I'm sure some are likely to find it either kinda awkward or unpleasant. So, I'm putting it in a spoiler tag. You can read that only if you want. No problems. OK? OK.

    Community Post #144

    Killing The Joke

    Yeah, I'm kinda terrified of this one. I kinda have to nail this or you lot are likely to go nuts on me and, honestly, if I mess this up, I think I deserve it. So, here...
  4. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Sep 7, 2015
    Community Post #142...sort of
    I have almost no energy this week. Partly because I've been working on getting some certain features of the site up and running, as well as working on other articles.

    And, so has my new partner in writing Foxytail. The pair of us are working on some articles of various types.

    The thing is, they take time and...well, we've over run a little. I mean, we've also had two MLP:CCG Pre-releases. OK, OK, not exactly grueling but still tiring. So, expect more Deck Doctors very soon.

    So, this leaves me with this: a kinda small Post while we work on the better ones. Happens sometimes. Sorry....
  5. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Aug 24, 2015
    Hello! This week, Foxytail is going to take over a little. She's set something up to do with entertainment of some kind. Been buzzing around the place for at least a week. Very excited for the show she's doing though I've seen her get excited over melted butter on crumpets.

    Honestly, I can't blame her on that front. It's heaven in spongy-bread form, but still, I have my reservations. I sat in the rehearsals and watched an argument over whether the dummy's lips are meant to move in a ventriloquism act.

    It was a heated battle between somepony that believed it was a lack of skill in the art if the dummy's lips move and a mare arguing that if the dummy's mouth didn't move, how else would the voice come out of it when she sipped a glass of water?

    It was then that the filly posing as...