1. A Jewel of Rarity
    Created by A Jewel of Rarity
    Jul 6, 2017
    Today after working hard on it you may have noticed the staff have gotten fancy new banners. whcih you can see in full detail here!!

    While these fancy banners were added, they were added to fit the new addition which is user ranks.
    Below is a list of user ranks, their requirements and what permissions they have.
    Blank flank just means you are a new pony, you have just joined and you...
  2. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Jul 5, 2017
    God gravy...this took a long time...

    It is done. And hopefully, further videos ought to be muuuuch easier. What did you think? Anything I could do to improve? Do you think I should do more? Let me know below.

    - Site News

    We made @Mister Asmodeus a moderator. So, congrats and feel sorry for him. He'll be tea pony for a small while till someone new replaces-I mean to build his character and skills to help manage the site. Yes.

    - Recommended Reading

    Right. Your turn!

    @ndogmario writes about looking for...
  3. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Apr 23, 2017
    OK, Uni has suddenly thrown three technical projects on me and it's taken a while before I've been able to, at least somewhat, fight my way though this technical onslaught to build Javascript Pong, C++ Frogger and a Unity RPG with ORK Framework.

    That last one has been a colossal pain. Ugh...

    I do want to get to my Best/Worst List of MLP Season 6 but I haven't finished it yet because...I like inane things I've seen a thousand times when I work. Ponies are the reward right now. That and Pokemon Sun (Mimikyu is my special snuggle horror! <3). Will work on that when I get through the last few episodes. The last I watched was the D&D inspired one. Which I found adorable.

    Partly, because games can be that weird and some actual monsters are surreal (flicking through the 5e...
  4. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Feb 9, 2017
    Community Post #166

    I'm now a big fancypants student. That's the main and reasonable excuse for why I haven't been writing these silly rambles for you lot. That and some amount of burnout. Still, I've discovered two relevant things while I have been studying the art of Games for the Computermabob DeviceboxmachinesTM.
    1. Creme de menthe is lovely if you put a shot or two of it in a McDonalds Chocolate Milkshake. One shot for fun times, two if you want your milkshake to smack you in the teeth. I dub it 'The Mintyshake'. It is now...
  5. Tyro D. Fox
    Created by Tyro D. Fox
    Dec 25, 2016

    We're an international site so, from us all at Everypony so...

    (Bonus points for every greeting correctly identified by translation and where it's from)
    • Geseënde Kersfees
    • Noheli nziza
    • Seku Kulu
    • عيد ميلاد مجيد
    • Joyeux Noël
    • Frohe Weihnachten
    • Vrolijk Kerstfeest
    • 圣诞快乐
    • 聖誕快樂
    • Sretan Božić
    • Veselé Vánoce
    • Glædelig Jul
    • Καλά Χριστούγεννα
    • Mele Kalikimaka
    • Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket
    • শুভ বড়দিন
    • शुभ क्रिसमस
    • Nollaig Shona Dhuit
    • חג מולד שמח
    • めりーくりすます
    • 메리 크리스마스
    • Cualli netlācatilizpan
    • Gledelig Jul
    • C рождеством!
    • Feliz Navidad
    • Nadolig Llawen
    • toDwI'ma' qoS yItIvqu'
    • Alassë a...